Adventures in Epublishing: The Numbers

My first ebook, Into the Shadows, will hit ebookstores on November 1st.

Even though writing is an art, it’s also a business.  Some people are very interested in numbers. I know I am. I’m always curious to see what people have done to help measure what I’m doing. Obviously, everyone’s situation is a little different. Some people have little in the way of friends/followers, but have still sold a ton of books. I’m interested to see if my ‘numbers’ will actually translate into more sales or if it has no effect. Some people say you need to have a ‘platform’ to sell a lot of books. If I do actually have a platform, it’s all because of social networking, something everyone can easily replicate. So here are all the stats for this ebook project. I’ll post sales numbers monthly, just to keep you updated on its progress.

Writing by Numbers

How long it took to write ITS: 1 year

Years in revision: 2 years/revised 3 times alone in 2 mos. before had to be ready. Approximately revised a total of 9-10 times.

Rejections from agents/editors: approximately 80

Friends and Followers

Facebook: 4,147

Facebook like/fan page: 685

Twitter: 795

Goodreads: 424

Karly Kirkpatrick blog: 76

KK blog on Networked blogs: 584

Top 50 writing blogs (on Networked Blogs): #40

Top 50 publishing blogs (on NB): #4

Top 50 young adult blogs (on NB): #1

YA Flash Death Match: 56

YA Flash Death Match on Networked Blogs: 60

(There are some overlaps in friends/followers.)

Viral Marketing

Blogsplash: 5 blogs

Facebooksplash: 138 Facebook pages

Contributing writer at – articles on ebooks and epublishing.


Ebook at,,

Cover: $300 (by Carl Graves

Formatting: $180 (included files for Amazon, Smashwords, and Barnes and Noble – Rob Siders

Total Investment: $480

Need to sell: 240 ecopies to cover investment

Price: $2.99

Profit per ebook sold: $2.00 (give or take a couple cents depending on the site)

POD book (coming soon through CreateSpace) at

Cover: $100 (by Carl Graves)

Formatting: estimated $150 (by Rob Siders)

Pro Plan: $39 (for better royalties thru CreateSpace)

Total Investment: $289

Need to sell: 128 books

Price: $11.00

Profit per book sold: $2.27

Karly Kirkpatrick lives in Elgin, Illinois, with her husband and daughter. INTO THE SHADOWS is the first of many books to come. Find out more at  She will also be at the Flyover Geeks Startup Meetup this Wednesday in St. Charles.

Techli Team: Techli delivers news and in-depth editorial on the technologies, businesses and ideas that are changing the way we live, work, and play.

View Comments (2)

  • Congratulations Karly. I think social networking is the right platform for you. You've got a great audience of readers here at flyovergeeks and loads of other followers. I can't wait to get a copy on my new Kindle.