Day Three, Booth “Midterm Experience”

Due to some crazy weather, we weren’t able to complete any new trades yesterday. However, we did receive a donation for $35.

We still have the GPS available for a trade and have received two tentative offers for it. One party has offered a variety of items and is currently inventorying. The other party has offered a digital camera and other photography equipment. We will be finalizing this trade in the evening today. So get your last second bids in now!

We really appreciate all of Chicagoland’s support thus far but we need more help to get closer to our goal. The clock is ticking with about a week to go. Is there anything in your storage, closet or garage that would make a great donation and could use a new home? Please go ahead and contact us so we can discuss logistics for either a trade or a donation.

Lastly, we want to clarify a few things about the status of the donation. While funds will be used to support the services of 180 Properties, all donations must be made to either Mercy Housing Lakefront or The Cara Program. This is because 180 Properties is a limited liability corporation and joint venture of two non-profit organizations, Mercy Housing Lakefront and The Cara Program. Thus, to receive a tax write-off, a donation must be made to one of these organizations directly. If you are interested in making a cash donation for 180 Properties, simply follow one of the links below:
Mercy Housing Lakefront
The Cara Program

No donation is too small. Even the smallest things can make the biggest difference.

Jeb and Jen

Edward Domain: Edward is the founder and CEO of He is a writer, U.S. Army veteran, serial entrepreneur and chronic early adopter. Having worked for startups in Silicon Valley and Chicago, he founded, grew and successfully exited his own previous startup and loves telling the stories of innovators. Email: | @EdwardDomain