Gary Vaynerchuk in Dallas on May 25th

New York Times bestselling author Gary Vaynerchuk is coming to Dallas on May 25th to talk about entrepreneurship, social media, emerging technologies, and the new frontiers of customer service made possible by the Internet. More info and tickets here:

Gary is a dynamite speaker coming for what’s sure to be an amazing event/mini-conference happening May 25th at the Lakewood Theater in Dallas.

Other speakers include John Keehler, Principal of Click Here; Mike Yaconditte, Founder/CEO of Hashable; Bill Boebel, Mentor at Capital Factory; and Cory Levy, Co-founder/COO of One,Inc.

Cost is $30, but you can receive a 25% discount with the discount code ‘SHH’ – courtesy of Dallas Startup Happy Hour.

The event is sponsored by Extra SauceRackspaceSplash MediaZaarly, and Times Ten Cellars.

For more information, visit and follow @GaryVeeInBigD

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