SLU Entrepreneurial Alumni Hall Of Fame Event April 23rd

The annual Smurfit-Stone Entrepreneurial Alumni Hall of Fame event recognizes four Saint Louis University alumni for their embodiment of the Center for Entrepreneurship’s motto “Do good, do well.” This year, the Center is adding to the program the next generation of entrepreneurs.

In addition to the winners of the SLU ‘Real’ Elevator Pitch competition and the SLU Idea to Product competition, one student will be recognized for owning their own business. The student will be a member of the Diamond in the Rough program, an exclusive group just for students who own their own businesses. This recognition will accompany a $5,000 award given to the student who most embodies the values of the Center, “Do good. Do well.” This Diamond award is made possible by the generosity of Tim Fogerty.

Each of the Diamond businesses will be present at the Hall of Fame event, hosting an interactive ‘demo day,’ which will include ways for attendees to get involved in what the students are doing and learn more about their businesses. The students don’t want you to just hear about what they are doing, rather they want you to get a glimpse into what their line of work entails. For example, instead of just learning about the projects of Water for Panama, attendees can experience what it is like to walk long distances to fetch drinking water; a practice all too common in developing countries. Don’t worry, this water walk won’t be quite that long.

You can support the next generation of entrepreneurs in St. Louis by attending the Hall of Fame event. Held at the John Cook School of Business on April 23 from 6-8 pm, registration is available at or by contacting Jeanne Rhodes at

This year the four alumni entrepreneurs are Gil Bickel (St. Louis Arch Angels) for Social Entrepreneurship, Steven Frank (Plancorp) for Corporate Entrepreneurship, Chris Sommers (Pi Pizzeria) for Large Independent Entrepreneurship, and Peter Spanos (Vetta Sports) for Small Independent Entrepreneurship.

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