Trellie: Purse Accessory Tells You When Your Phone Is Ringing

The fashion tech innovations continue this month with a new project seeking funding on Kickstarter that makes sure women never miss an important phone call on the go. Kansas City-based startup Trellie has created a Bluetooth-connected device that attaches to the outside of a purse and flashes whenever the phone rings inside.

Trellie was created by Jason Reid and Claude Aldridge, both family men and friends of nearly 20 years, who were searching for a solution to the sometimes frustrating task of getting in touch with their spouses. According to Reid, 90 percent of women carry their phones in a bag, which often leads to missed calls either because the phone is hard to hear or set to vibrate. Trellie solves this problem by putting a fashionable ring indicator on the outside of the purse that will flash when there’s an incoming call and also continue to light up until the phone has been checked.

“We both had the same issue, the same problem,” said Reid. “It really extended beyond me as a spouse trying to get a hold of my wife. It’s really an emotional thing, really passionate and personal to us to help us solve this common problem with simple technology.”

The Kansas City startup plans to launch a Kickstarter this week for their new fashion technology product. While the company plans to retail Trellie for $49.99 in the future, early-bird backers will be able to snag one in silver or gold for only $30.

Like many entrepreneurs who turn to Kickstarter, Reid sees the platform as a crucial way to connect with people and tell the story behind the startup. “What we found is that the status quo isn’t acceptable to us or others,” said Reid. “Creating a solution like this gives us a sounding board to get our message out. Kickstarter is a good platform to go out there and tell people why we’re doing this and what we’re doing it for.”

As the company continues to grow Trellie plans to create other simple tech products that help families communicate and stay connected with one another. If the Kickstarter is a success, Reid said the company will be able to bring Trellie to the market within a year’s time.

“We really feel like this is an untapped market,” Reid said. “Moms are spending a lot of money on tech, an average of $882 each year, and the tech they’re buying is for the family. Why not give them a fashionable tool that helps them and also helps their family?”

Head over to the Trellie website to find out more about the emerging tech company, and be sure to check back tomorrow to see the full Kickstarter details.

Corey Cummings: Corey is a graduate of the University of Wisconsin in Madison where he received degrees in English and Creative Writing. He currently lives in Chicago and enjoys alternately obsessing over video games that aren't out yet and crazy gadgets he can't afford.