Who’s Using Google+ Infographic

So Google+ has been live for a few months now, but who’s actually using it?

Over the last several months Google has been integrating Google+ branding and design across the entire Google product lineup. They’ve also been killing off some of their unused products such as Google Buzz, Gears, and Wave. Although Google has been creative with its marketing approach to Google+, at the end of the day everyone’s friends remain on Facebook. Judging by many of the statistics in this infographic Google+ is fighting an uphill battle, but that’s not to say they are out of the game just yet.

Infographic via Flowtown

Andrew Torba: Andrew is the CEO of Kuhcoon.com, a Social Media as a Service (SMaS) platform. Andrew is also a senior at the University of Scranton where he double majors in Philosophy and Political Science with a minor in Entrepreneurship. Over the past year he has researched and documented over 500 tech startup companies from across the globe. Andrew has a passion for entrepreneurship, technology, social media, and weight lifting.

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  • Google+ is like 4 minutes old, why is everyone so quick to say they don't have a chance just because they are late to the game.  How about we look at how fast they have grown since they launched, that is real story!  No company, no product, no industry, is to big to challenge for supremacy.  If that were the case, Tech.li wouldn't stand a chance.  BUT, because Tech.li is unique and gives a voice to/for those who are sick of the nonstop brainwashing of Mashable and TechCrunch, Tech.li will carve a nice canyon in the tech media space.

    As entrepreneurs that is what we do, we pick the biggest S.O.B in the room and say lets get it on.  There is a reason boxing is called the sweet science.  Every boxer is an entrepreneur, putting in work at his craft.

    • @twitter-200396124:disqus  I agree! Like I said, it may be an uphill battle; but isn't that the very story of entrepreneurship itself! It just goes to show you that even billion dollar companies like Google are going to face entrepreneurial challenges. I agree that people are being too quick to judge, they still have a very big hand in the game. 

      • Exactly, people often forget that every company that innovates, discovers and creates embodies entrepreneurship, regardless of the amount of cash in the bank.  The difference is teams like Google+ have much greater resources available to them.  Google is fighting this battle on so many fronts; mobile, search, social and video.  On one front you have Microsoft, Facebook and Skype.  On another you have Apple.  On another you have the press beating them down.  Ironically, they are still making headway, making money and competing well.